Below are links to various jupyter notebooks to go with the text. To use them, you can use Google CoLab by downloading the files here and uploading them there if you do not have jupyter on your computer. No knowledge of jupyter or python is required, but you can also see the code used to create these simple simulations, and learn how to develop your own.

Chapter 2 Introduction to Probability Theory

Testing Probabilities

This notebook is designed to test out what “very large” means when looking at particular outcomes. Specifically this is to verify Eq. (2.6) in the textbook, that when performing larger and larger numbers of “experiments,” the fractions of each outcome experimentally correspond to the theoretical probabilities.

Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Mean Values

This notebook is designed to test out what “very large” means when looking at particular outcomes: Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Binomial Distribution

This notebook is designed to simulate the binomial distribution in the context of the one-dimensional random walk problem: Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Chapter 3 Introduction to Information Theory

Missing Information

This notebook is designed to see how large N must be for our approximated expression to be close enough to our (more) exact expression for missing information for a general probability distribution.

Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Chapter 4 Statistical Systems and the microcanonical ensemble

Dice Ensemble

This notebook explores a non-physical example, an ensemble of dice. Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Two-dimensional Quantum Systems

This notebook plots the possible states in a two-dimensional quantum system: Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Chapter 5 Temperature

Two Systems in Contact

This notebook explores a non-physical example, an ensemble of dice. Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Chapter 6 Thermodynamics

legendre transforms

This notebook allows you to study the Legendre transform of a function, and show that it gives a unique function of the slope. Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Chapter 9 Canonical Ensemble Applications

Maxwell velocity distribution

This notebook allows you to study a numerical simulation of the Maxwell velocity distribution and compare it to the theoretical prediction. Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.

Chapter 11 Quantum Statistics

This notebook allows you to study a the classical limit of the quantum occupation numbers. Click here to view as html, and to download the ipynb file: click here.