Chapter 3

Page 38

Chapter 4

Page 80

Problem 4.3(a): The conversions should be x’ = m ω x, y’ = m ω y, and z’ = m ω z.

Chapter 6

page 113

Eq. (6.23) should be

page 134

In the Thermodynamic Square box, the example used is dF but it should be dG. Thus,

dF = ( ) d p + ( ) dT

should be

dG = ( ) d p + ( ) dT

and after adding in the diagonal variables,

dF = V d p + S dT

should be

dG = V d p + S dT

Then with the proper signs,

dF = V d p – S dT

should be

dG = V d p – S dT

Page 138

Step 4 of the crushing procedure, κ is missing a minus sign.

page 152

Problem 6.5 should read: “in terms of T, v, α, and (∂α/∂T)p.”

Chapter 7

page 170

Eq. (7.28) should be η = W/Qh.

Chapter 8

Page 196

Figure 8.4(b): 2T should be T

page 202

In Exercise 8.16, Eq. (8.59) can be written as

page 206

Problem 8.6(c) dQ should have a slash through the d.

page 208

Problem 8.12(a), the final pressure should be in
terms of p and the volumes Vr and Vl.

Chapter 9

page 219

Eqs. (9.22) and (9.23) should have u0 in place of η.

Chapter 10

Page 264

Eq. (10.49) should be

page 279

Problem 10.23(c) should have answers in terms of ζ’, the single-particle partition function for the gaseous form of the substance.